DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022

DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022 [Quick Summary]
Job Category: | Central Govt Jobs |
Employment Type: | Permanent Jobs |
Post Name | Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A) |
Qualification | Xth Class pass or equivalent and Certificate from a recognised Industrial Training Institute in the required discipline Bachelor’s degree in Science Or Diploma in Engineering or Technology or Computer Science or Allied Subjects, recognised by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), in the required Discipline |
Application Fee | All women and SC/ST/PwBD/ESM-No Fee For others Rs.100/- |
OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE APPLICATION | 03rd September 2022, Time: 1000 Hrs |
CLOSING DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION | 23rd September 2022, Time: 1700 Hrs |
Official Website : | https://www.drdo.gov.in/ceptm-advertisement/1782 |
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Overview
Recruitment of 1901 Vacancies for the posts of Senior Technical Assistant-B (STA-B) and Technician-A (Tech-A) under Defence Research & Development Organisation Technical Cadre (DRTC).
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: How to Apply
Candidates must satisfy themselves, before
applying, about their eligibility for the post. Candidates are, therefore,
urged to carefully read the advertisement and complete the application
form and submit the same as per the instructions to avoid rejection later.
A) All candidates must apply online through the link DRDO Recruitment
[CEPTAM Notice Board] available on DRDO website
(https://www.drdo.gov.in). Applications submitted by other means/mode
will be summarily rejected. B) The online application portal will be opened
on 03rd Sep 2022 (1000 Hrs) and closed on 23rd Sep 2022 (1700
Hrs) C) Candidates are advised to submit online applications
much before the closing date and not to wait till last date to avoid
the possibility of network congestion or failure to login to the
website on account of heavy rush/load on the website during the
closing hours/days. D) CEPTAM will not be responsible for the
candidates, if candidates are not able to submit their applications within
the last date due to the aforesaid reasons. E) Firstly, the candidate must
register online by filling up the basic details. After successful registration,
the candidate will get a user Id & password on registered email (note it
down & keep safely), which will be used to login for filling of application.
F) The candidate must fill their name, date of birth, father’s name &
mother’s name as given in matriculation/secondary certificates.
G) Candidates should have their own mobile number and valid & active
personal email id. CEPTAM will not entertain any request for change of
mobile number & email address at any stage. H) The following
documents and their scanned copies must be kept ready before
filling online application: (i) EQR certificates: (1.1) For the post of
STA-B: EQR certificates e.g. B.Sc., Diploma etc. (as applicable). (1.2) For
the post of Tech-A: EQR certificates e.g. Certificate from ITI
(NCVT/SCVT)/National Trade Certificate/National Apprenticeship Certificate
in required discipline (as applicable). (ii) Xth class or equivalent certificate
for age proof. (iii) Photograph (Use only recent colour photograph taken
within last 30 days. Keep sufficient copies of the same photograph for
future use. (iv) Signature on plain white paper. (v) Identity proof (ID)
(e.g. Aadhaar, Passport, Voter ID, PAN, Driving License, School/
College Id card, any other photo bearing Id card issued by the
Central or State Govt.) which must be carried in original during the
examination & document verification. I) Contact details such as e-mail,
mobile number, correspondence & permanent address etc. must be correct
& active during the recruitment cycle as all communication will be done
through them. J) Candidates are required to submit all the acquired
qualification as on crucial date of eligibility during filling of online
application form.
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Eligibility Criteria
Educational Qualifications
SENIOR TECHNICAL ASSISTANT-B (STA-B): Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT (EQR): Bachelor’s degree in Science Or Diploma in Engineering or Technology or
Computer Science or Allied Subjects, recognised by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), in the required Discipline.
Candidates must have acquired the EQR as on crucial date of eligibility for the posts they are applying. Candidates whose results of the final examination
awaiting as on crucial date of eligibility for the prescribed qualification are NOT eligible and hence should not apply. B.Sc. candidates must have read the
required subject for at least 02 years in the course of B.Sc. programme. Please note that the candidates possessing higher qualification, viz., M.Sc. or
B.Tech. or B.E. or Ph.D. degree etc., as on crucial date of eligibility, shall NOT be considered for the recruitment. Mere fulfilment of the minimum
eligibility does not entitle any candidate to claim his/her candidature for selection to any post.
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Salary Structure
PAY SCALE: Pay matrix Level-6 (₹ 35400-112400) as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix and other benefits/allowances as per extant Govt. of India rules
AGE LIMIT AS ON CRUCIAL DATE OF ELIGIBILITY: Candidate must be between 18 and 28 Years of age (Relaxable for SC/ST/OBCNCL/ESM/PwBD/Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated from their husbands who are not remarried, Departmental Candidates with three
years continuous service in Central Government, Disabled Defence Services Personnel, Persons Domiciled in J&K State during the period from 01-01-1980
to 31-12-1989 as per extant Govt. of India rules).
TECHNICIAN-A (TECH-A): Group ‘C’, Non-Gazetted, Non-Ministerial
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENT (EQR): (i) Xth Class pass or equivalent from a recognised Board or Institute; and (ii)
Certificate from a recognised Industrial Training Institute in the required discipline; Or Certificate of minimum one year duration from a
recognised Institution in the required discipline if the Industrial Training Institutes do not award Certificate in that discipline Or
National Trade Certificate in the required discipline; Or National Apprenticeship Certificate in the required discipline.
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Salary Structure
PAY SCALE: Pay matrix Level-2 (₹ 19900-63200) as per 7th CPC Pay Matrix and other benefits/allowances as per extant Govt. of India rules
AGE LIMIT AS ON CRUCIAL DATE OF ELIGIBILITY: Candidate must be between 18 and 28 Years of age (Relaxable for SC/ST/OBCNCL/ESM/PwBD/Widows/Divorced Women/Women judicially separated from their husbands who are not remarried, Departmental Candidates with three
years continuous service in Central Government, Disabled Defence Services Personnel, Persons Domiciled in J&K State during the period from 01-01-1980
to 31-12-1989 as per extant Govt. of India rules)
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Selection Process
(i) For the post of STA-B: The selection
process will consist of Tier–I (Screening) and Tier-II (Final Selection) as
described in Table-1: A)Tier-I and Tier-II will be conducted in Computer
Based Test (CBT) mode. B) The Score of Tier-I (CBT) may be normalized
as per requirement. C) The Tier-I and Tier-II will consist of objective typemultiple choice questions only. D) Tier-I examination is for screening and
Tier-II is for final selection. (ii) For the post of Tech-A: The selection
process will consist of Tier–I (CBT) and Tier-II (Trade Test) as described in
Table-2: A) The Score of Tier-I (CBT) may be normalized as per
requirement. B) The Tier-I (CBT) will consist of objective type-multiple
choice questions only. C) Tier-I examination is for Provisional selection
and Tier-II (Trade Test) is qualifying in nature. D) Trade test will be of ITI
level in the related trade, to test the practical skills of the candidates. The
test may be of about one to two hours duration. E) The mode of selection
may change depending upon the organizational requirement/Govt. of India
policy for both STA-B & Tech-A posts.
DRDO CEPTAM Recruitment 2022: Application Fees
APPLICATION FEE: Non-refundable/Nontransferable application fee of Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) is to be paid by the candidate
EXEMPTION FROM PAYMENT OF FEE: All women and SC/ST/PwBD/ESM candidates are
exempted from payment of application fee
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022: Notification PDF
What is DRDO CEPTAM Application Fee ?
All women and SC/ST/PwBD/ESM-No Fee
What is DRDO CEPTAM Application Starting Date ?
OPENING DATE FOR ONLINE APPLICATION -03rd September 2022, Time: 1000 Hrs
What is DRDO CEPTAM 10 Application Last Date ?
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022 Click here
DRDO CEPTAM 10 Recruitment 2022 Application Click here