Last date for receipt of application is 01.08.2022 upto 17.00 hours
SCALE OF PAY FOR SKILLED ARTISANS : Rs. 19900/- to 63200/- (Level 2 in the pay matrix as per 7th CPC) + admissible allowances
Age limit for direct recruits :
18 to 30 years as on 01.07.2021 for UR & EWS, for Government Servants upto 40 years in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by Central Government.
Relaxation of Age Limit (for reservation posts)
i. SC : By 05 years.
ii. OBC: By 03 years.
No age relaxation will be allowed to SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against the unreserved posts.
Educational & Other qualifications for direct recruits :
i. A certificate in the respective trade from any Technical Institution recognized by Govt. OR VIII Std passed with experience of one year in the respective trade.
ii. Candidate who applies for the trade of M.V. Mechanic should possess a valid Driving Licence (HMV) to drive any vehicle in service in order to test it.
Selection of Skilled Artisans shall be made from amongst the candidates possessing the
requisite qualifications, by means of Competitive Trade Test on the basis of syllabus in lndia Post
the respective trade
1.Application on plain paper in the prescribed format should be filled in by the candidate either in English/Hindi/Tamil
correctly and completely, duly signed by the Candidate.
2.One Passport size photograph should be affixed at the place meant for the purpose on the application and should be duly self attested. Along with the application form an Indian Postal Order for Rs.100/- (or) UCR receipt to be
taken in any Post office should be enclosed towards application fee. The applications will be scrutinized as per the eligibility
criteria and eligible applicants will be called for trade test. The application fees collected from the applicants will not be refunded.
Further, the eligible candidates should pay Rs.400/- as Examination fee ( for trade test) in the form of IPO (or) UCR receipt, on
getting hall Permit and attend Trade test along with the payment receipt. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women
employees are exempted from the payment of application/ examination fee.
3. Application will be liable for rejection also due to following reasons.
1. The applications should be sent through Speed Post / Registered Post only.
2. Applications received without superscription ( name of trade )
3. Unsigned/without self attested photograph/without application fee.
4. Without valid community certificate in r/o reserved post.
5. Not possessing the requisite qualification/ Experience from non-recognized
Institutions and without proper address details.
6. Without proper self attested copies of certificates.
7. Under aged/ Over aged candidates.
8. HMVILMV License attested copies in r/o MV Mechanic trade.
9. Application for more than one trade in single application.
10. Incomplete or not submitted in prescribed format and Application received after due date.
11. Mutilated or damaged applications/ documents etc.,
12. Applications without required information /attachments/Community as per the notification will be summarily rejected without
4. Original certificates should not be sent along with the application.
5. No correspondence of any nature will be entertained.
6. Application must be signed by the candidate and accompanied with :
1. Photocopies of the following certificates self attested by the candidate i. Age proof
ii. Educational Qualification. iii. Technical Qualification.
iv.Driving Licence/Licence Extract [in case of M.V.Mechanic only]. v.Trade experience of respective trade/post.
vi.Community Certificate issued by appropriate authority for appointment in
Central Government Service/ Posts only will be considered(Format enclosed). vii.EWS candidates should submit Income & Asset Certificate issued by the competent authority for the year 2021-22(Format enclosed).
7.The separate application should be sent for each trade in separate envelope if applied India Post for more than one trade and the candidate should superscribe on the envelope & application specifically as “Application for the post of Skilled Artisan in trade_” and should be addressed to “The Manager, Mail Motor Service, Goods shed Road, Coimbatore – 641001 and should be sent through Speed post/ Registered post only. Applications received by any other means will be rejected and one application for multiple trades will also be rejected.
The last date of receipt of application is on or before 01,08,2022 by 17.00 Hours. Application(s) without complete information or without copies of desired certificates or the application(s) enclosing copy/copies of the certificate(s) without self attestation will be rejected straight way without any notice or information
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