Applications are invited only through online mode from eligible
candidates for the Direct Recruitment for the post of Senior Lecturers /
Lecturers / Junior Lecturers in SCERT and DIET under the State
Council of Educational Research and Training for the year – 2022.
Senior Lecturers-24 Posts
Scale of pay Rs. 56900 –180500 (Level 23)
Lecturers-82 Posts
Scale of pay Rs. 36900 –116600 (Level 18)
Junior Lecturers-49 Posts
Scale of pay Rs. 36400 –115700 (Level 16)
Date of Notification 20.08.2022
Commencement of submission of application through online
Last Date for submission of application through online mode
Date of Computer Based Examinations
Age Limit:
Candidates should not be over 57years of age, as on31.07.2022
(As per G.O. (Ms) No.133 School Education Department, Dated 14.06.2007.)
Educational Qualifications:
The candidate should possess a minimum general qualification as per ad hoc rules
defined in G.O. (Ms) No.133, School Education Department, Dt.14.06.2007 and
amendment issued in G.O.(Ms). No. 261, School Education (U2) Department, Dt.
Senior Lecturers
I. Master’s Degree in the concerned discipline with not less than 50% marks;
II. M.Ed. Degree with not less than 55%marks.
It is important to note that in both UG and PG the candidate
must have studied the same or its equivalent subject.
III. Teaching Experience:
For a period of not less than Five years as: –
a) Lecturer in the State Council of Educational Research andTraining in the
State of TamilNadu. (or)
b) Lecturer in the District Institutes of Education and Training in the
State of TamilNadu. (or)
c) Approved Lecturer in any recognized Aided (or) Self Financing
Teacher Training Institute in the State of TamilNadu. (or)
d) Junior Lecturer in a Government Teacher Training Institute in the
State of Tamil Nadu
I. I. Master’s degree with not less than 50%
marks in Tamil, English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,
History and Geography;
II. M.Ed., for Lecturers in Languages or Subjects and M.P.Ed., for Lecturers in
Physical Education, with not less than55% marks.
It is important to note that in both UG and PG the
candidate must have studied the same or its equivalent subject.
Junior Lecturers
I. Master’s degree with not less than 50% marks in Tamil,English, Mathematics,
Physics, Chemistry, Botany, History and Geography.
II. M.Ed. degree with not less than 55% marks.
It is important to note that in both UG and PG the candidate must
have studied the same or its equivalent subject.
Qualification Criteria
i. Candidates who obtained a Degree (UG/PG) after undergoing a
course of one year duration Double degree / Dual degree etc.,
are not eligible to apply for this recruitment.
ii. Candidates who obtained any of the required qualifications (SSLC,
HSC (or) its equivalent, U.G degree, P.G degree, B.Ed degree,
M.Ed., degree or any other degree) simultaneously are not eligible
to apply for this recruitment.
iii. All the Educational qualifications should have been obtained on the
date of this notification.
Examination Fees:
For SC/SCA/ST and differently abled candidates Rs.250/-
TRB Notification 2022 Click here
TRB Notification 2022 Application click here