Nilgiris District Health Society Recruitment 2022
Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work under the Nilgiris District Health Society – National Tuberculosis Eradication Programme(NTEP) on a contract basis for a period of 11 months on package wages.
Lab. Technician (IgRA, TRUNAAT, CBNAAT & IgRA testing) – 2 Posts
Intermediate (10+2) and Diploma
and certified course in Medical
Laboratory Technology or Equivalent
One year experience in RNTCP or Sputum smear microscopy
Candidates with Higher qualification (for example Graduates) shall be
Salary Rs.13000/-
Pharmacist -1
Degree in Pharmacy / Diploma in Pharmacy
- To handle day to day communications pertaining to drug
logistics. - To maintain registers, vouchers, issue receipts, payment
receipts, physical verification reports and maintenance records. - To maintain state level drugs stock as per program guidelines.
- To follow “First Expiry First Out” principle at the state drug
store and monitor the same in - To facilitate change management with respect to use of ICT
&Nikshay tools for concerned data entry, validation & its use for
public health action - To analyze the quarterly drug and logistics report of districts.
- To prepare monthly patient wise boxes of second line drugs.
- To monitor recording and maintenance of store temperature where 2nd line drugs are stored and to suggest actions for proper
storage of drugs at all levels. - To maintain the computer and peripherals in the State Drug
Store. - Any other job assigned by as per program need.
Salary Rs.15000/-
Nilgiris District Health Society Recruitment 2022 Click here
Last Date : 1.9.2022
Post Views: 113