The Directorate of Municipal Administration, Chennai-28 invites
applications from the eligible candidates for the following posts to work on
contract basis for a period of six months under Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban
Development Project in the Directorate of Municipal Administration, Raja
Annamalaipuram, MRC Nagar, Chennai 600 028.
1. Training and Institutional Development Specialist
2. Senior Accountant
Application and instructions can be downloaded from the website
https://tnurbantree.tn.gov.in/what’s New
(please check in “what’s New” in the website)
Last date of receipt of application is 19.8.2022
Appointment of Specialists to work under World Bank assisted Tamil Nadu
Sustainable Urban Development Project (TNSUDP)
The Directorate of Municipal Administration, Chennai-28 invites application from
the eligible candidates for the following posts to work on contract basis for a
period of six months under Tamil Nadu Sustainable Urban Development Project
in the Directorate of Municipal Administration, Raja Annamalaipuram, MRC
Nagar, Chennai 600 028.
1. Training and Institutional Development Specialist
2. Senior Accountant
The details of qualifications, experience and monthly salary for each post are
given below:
Training and Institutional Development Specialist : 01
M.A Sociology / MSW(HR) / MBA(HR) / MCA with more than 5 years experience in
conducting training programs / teaching
Salary Rs.60000/-
Senior Accountant : 1
B.Com with 10 years experience in compilation of
Municipal Accounts and 3 years experience in World
Bank Projects
Salary Rs.40000/-
The selected candidates will be appointed for a period of six months
The extension of contract period depends upon the continuance of the
post by the Government and based on the performance of the incumbent
of the post.
If the person who appointed as Training and Institutional Development
Specialist / Senior Accountant shall give one month notice if he/she wants
to resign the post for any reason.
If the DMA feels that his / her service is no longer required, he/she will be
terminated / relieved without furnishing any reason, by giving a month’s
The Specialist is eligible for a day’s Casual Leave in a month.
Last date of receipt of application is 19.8.2022
Eligible & willing candidates are requested to send the application in the format
attached herewith by post or through e-mail before 5.00 PM on 19.8.2022 to the
following address:
Director of Municipal Administration,
Urban Administrative Building,
No.75, Santhome High Road,
Raja Annamalaipuram, MRC Nagar,
Chennai 600 028.
Email id: pao.tncma@nic.in
Official Notification Click here