TANUVAS Recruitment 2022

TANUVAS Recruitment 2022


Job Category:Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs
Employment Type:temporary basis
Post NameVeterinary Graduate
QualificationA Bachelor Degree in Veterinary
Sciences and Animal Husbandry
Selection MethodWalk in interview
ApplicationNo Fee
Interview Date10.10.2022
Official Website :https://tanuvas.ac.in/vacancies.php

A walk-in interview would be held for Veterinary Graduates to work in Self-Financing
Scheme of Frozen Semen Bank functioning under the Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal -637 002. The post is purely temporary till the end of the scheme. The qualification and remuneration are as follows.

Name of the Post : Veterinary Graduate

Number of Posts : 02

Salary Rs.40000/-

A Bachelor Degree in Veterinary
Sciences and Animal Husbandry

Filled in application in the prescribed format should be brought along with relevant original
certificates to the Professor and Head, Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and
Obstetrics, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Namakkal -637 002 on the day of
walk-in interview i.e. on 10.10.2022 at 10.00 A.M

No TA/DA will be paid for the candidates preferring to attend the interview. Candidates are
informed to make own arrangements for their stay for attending interview.

Mere application for attending the interview does not guarantee the appointment and the
selection will be based purely on merit basis. Candidates are requested to produce all
original certificates (degree certificate, proof of age and experience. Publications and other
testimonials that certify their competency to work in the project) at the time of interview.

The candidate should have knowledge to speak, read and write Tamil.

The appointment is made purely on temporary basis with a condition to terminate the
appointment without giving any prior notice and the candidates should not claim any
university service.

TANUVAS Recruitment 2022 Click here

TANUVAS Recruitment 2022 Click here

By M

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